Committee on privileges
NO.CH.CPR./O/2256/94 Dated : 18 July 1994
Dear Shri Balram Singh Ji ,
The question of rehabilitation of land in the Agucha mine Complex near hurda District Bhilwara , who were promised benevolent compensation When their land was taken possession of by Hindustan Zink Ltd. Before starting the mines operations and constructing the mines colony near village agucha has not been resolved .Though compensation of land .so acquired, has been paid to the ousters but other actions to rehabilitate at least one member from each ousters families has not so far been implemented .
In spite of the fact that this matter was discussed in your Chamber when the Chairman , Hindustan Zink Ltd. , Shri Avinash Chandra Wadhawan was also called for the purpose by you and Shri wadhwan having assured , the matter still remains where it was before . in this regard I would like to draw your attention to the guidelines issued by ministry of coal vide NO.49019/4/86-CP/LSW dated 19.10.90 for the rehabilitation of land ousters in the coal mine field of Bihar, West Bengal and other places .
Page 88 (new Para 67) of the above guidelines –
(1) To the extant new employment opportunities get created in the project in unskilled and semi skilled categories , these shell be reserved entirely for the land ouster families ,
(2) suitable vocational training facilities would be provided to the land lasers to upgrade their skilled for employment in other categories of jobs in the project on a preferential basis
(3) Alternative house sites With suitable infrastructure Will be provided to all evicted families. Each evicted Families would be paid a shifting allowance up to Rs. 2000/- and a lump-sum grand of Rs. 5000/- to wards housing;
(4) Cash compensation for the land to be acquired will be deposited with the district administration in advance so that there is no delay in payment of compensation to the land owning displaced families;
(5) Families which are not beneficiaries of employment for one of their members, would be paid subsistence allowance for 20 years at the following rates;
(a) to families losing lands up to one acre - At the rate of Rs . 300/
Per month+ an ex- gratia amount of
Rs.100/-per month per family,
(b) families losing above up to acre - Rs.300/- per month per acre Subject to a maximum of Rs.1000/- per month + Rs 100/- per month per family.
From the guidelines issued by the Ministry, you will kindly notice that in the unskilled and semi-skilled categories , the first priority has been given to the land ousters families , As agreed upon at least one member of the family is to able given employment in the ITT Bhilwara and Gulabpura but at least about 150 youth the have not been provided this facility of employment in the Hindustan Zink Ltd.
I would , there for , request you to kindly ask the authorities of the Hindustan Zink Ltd. Udaipur to implement the decision taken in the meeting held in your office on 31 march 1994 so that growing unrest and uncertainties in the minds of the land ousters is removed once for all being provided to them .are taking recourse of “ Dharnas” from 21st of this month and other measures Which should be avoided under all circumstances,
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Shri Balram Singh Yadav ,
Union minister of state for mines ,
New Delhi .
Cc: 1. Shri Avinash Chandra Wadhwan , Chairman , Hindustan Zink Ltd. Udaipur (Raj.)for information
- Shri Devinder Singh , ex-M.L.A. , Ajmer Road , Bhilwara ,
- Shri Govindram Jaiswal , president , Rampura-Agucha mines Affected Farmers’ union , post Agucha , Distt.Bhilwara